Sponsor a Campaign

The Mississippi Youth Community Gardens welcomes you to sponsor a campaign. Your donation is fully tax deductible and will go towards a program that benefits the public good. We are a small organization and we rely on donations to continue our programs.

We offer four programs - which are:

  1. Educational Program

  2. Healthy Eating/Sustainable Farming Program

  3. Veterans Assistance Program

  4. Senior Assistance


Education Program


Our education program takes at risk students and teaches them a variety of subjects including our main subject which is sustainable farming and healthy eating. In addition to these programs we also offer spanish language and financial literacy classes.

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Healthy Eating Program

Organic Plums Growing at Mississippi Youth Community Gardens

Our Healthy Eating and Sustainable Farming Program grows seasonal fruits and vegetables. Our produce is organic and grown for the benefit of members. We use our produce to supplement the diets of local residents as well as to teach the youth healthy meal preparation techniques.

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Veterans Assistance Program


Our veterans assistance program assists United States Military veterans with transportation to and from their medical appointments as well as food assistance and veterans recognition activities. We also support the Veterans with prepared meals, employment and housing location services.

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Senior Assistance Program


Our Senior Program consists of our members making sure we know and support the elderly within our community. Many of these individuals live alone as their children have grown and moved away and their spouses are often no longer with them. We support the Seniors with transportation assistance, and prepared meals.

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